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Celebrating Our 5th Anniversary

Post by Ian Hameroff, Founder and CEO of Fulcrum Group

Today, we celebrate a remarkable company milestone. Fulcrum Group turns five years old!

Reflecting on our journey over the past five years fills me with immense pride and gratitude.

We mark this achievement due in no small part to the unwavering support and dedication of our team, clients, and extended family. Your belief and trust in Fulcrum truly humble me.

On behalf of our entire Fulcrum team—present and past—I thank you!

A simple idea born from a deep passion

Five years ago, I started Fulcrum with a simple idea born from my deep passion for technology.

After two decades in product marketing at companies such as CA Technologies (now Broadcom), Microsoft, and Nintex, I saw a huge opportunity. B2B tech companies looking to accelerate growth needed help bridging the gap between the innovative products they build and the audiences they want to reach.

The “How” to deliver on this “Why” would be as a product marketing consultant.

Early value prop pitch
An early attempt at a value prop led to the a-ha for a new company name

As I gathered feedback on my idea in the summer of 2019, I regularly drew a triangular image (often pantomimed in midair at various Seattle-area Starbucks) to illustrate my three interrelated service areas: product positioning, go-to-market strategy, and storytelling. After about the tenth time doing this, I realized it was more than just a well-rehearsed pitch. It was the makings of a company name.

Early attempt at a logo for The Fulcrum Group
My first pass at a logo for The Fulcrum Group

Shortly after, I christened The Fulcrum Group, registered domain names, ordered a logo on 99designs, and got on my way.

The Fulcrum name fit perfectly. It represented what I knew we could be for B2B tech company marketing leaders: the crucial support that makes it easier for you to scale your efforts. Fulcrum Group would be a go-to-market force multiplier.

Perseverance in the face of a pandemic

With all the mechanics of a new business in place, Fulcrum ended 2019 with our first completed client project—and a plan to “go big” in 2020. Little did I (or anyone) know what would come in the months ahead.

Trying to grow a new business is challenging enough. Attempting this feat during an unprecedented global pandemic is a true test of perseverance. Doubly so for a first-time entrepreneur.

Fulcrum’s brand and positioning from 2020-2023

As the world shut down in the spring of 2020, Fulcrum was fortunate to be spinning up several new client projects. Many of these early clients continue to collaborate with Fulcrum to this day. This is a testament to the value we deliver and the long-term trusted relationships we forge.

Going from one to a group

Fulcrum’s growth continued through 2021. Our client count increased steadily and soon surpassed double digits. Each successive engagement allowed me to iterate on our product marketing methodology and establish our unique approach to consulting. I learned heaps from advocates and advisors as I tackled growing pains.

I also learned that I needed help.

After swearing I’d only wanted Fulcrum to be an army of one, the momentum I experienced left me with more work than I could handle alone. Enter the group that put the “Group” into Fulcrum Group!

The first to sign on was Andy O’Donald. Andy was a long-time colleague from my days at Microsoft, where we played vital roles bringing Office 365 to market. I was thrilled to get him on board, as I knew Andy shared the same philosophy that’s core to Fulcrum’s value proposition.

As Andy and I collaborated on numerous projects for large and small clients, we began formalizing Fulcrum’s repeatable methodologies for product positioning and messaging development, competitive intelligence, and B2B sales enablement. These best practices make the high-impact outcomes we deliver for our clients possible.

In July 2024, I was proud to promote Andy to Director of Delivery. His expanded role is a recognition of Andy’s countless contributions since joining Fulcrum.

A fresh new look

2022 closed with our client count closing in on 25 and year-over-year revenue doubling. Our energy was high. However, the look and feel of the Fulcrum brand wasn’t.

Working with our friends at Electric Pen, Fulcrum launched a new brand and website in early 2023. The new Fulcrum logo is inspired by the pathways we take our clients through to reach a breakthrough moment. Much like the company name (now without the “The”), our logo perfectly illustrates what you could expect when working with Fulcrum.

New Fulcrum Group logo

Backed by a great new look, Fulcrum experienced another growth spurt. Revenue doubled again, and our total client count sailed past 30. All these new projects allowed us to further hone our approach and to expand service lines into new areas of go-to-market strategy. For example, we developed a new pricing and packaging strategy engagement.

Group photo from our first team offsite

Once more, in 2023, we welcomed new team members so we could scale and respond to a growing pipeline of new business opportunities. After adding our most recent new hire, I realized this simple idea hatched in the summer months of 2019 had rapidly become a well-established marketing firm.

From celebration to acceleration

On our fifth birthday, I am more bullish about our prospects than ever.

We’ve built a fantastic team of seven who all live and breathe our Fulcrum values of honesty, curiosity, and empathy. Culture defines companies, and I am so proud of ours.

We recently refreshed Fulcrum’s company messaging to convey our story more crisply:

Fulcrum Group is an instant-on tech marketing firm that helps B2B tech companies accelerate. Accelerate sales, accelerate revenue, and accelerate adoption.

We make it easy for you to create authentic and impactful connections at every touchpoint along your buyer’s journey so you can stand outresonate, and break through.

In January 2024, we launched Product Marketing as a Service™ as the easiest way for B2B tech company marketing leaders to get everything they need to accelerate when they need it most: right now!

Fulcrum’s Product Marketing as a Service in action in May 2024

With Product Marketing as a Service (or PMMaaS), Fulcrum is well positioned to respond to the nagging challenge facing all marketing leaders–finding and hiring expert B2B tech product marketers. I know the pain first-hand after building PMM teams at tech companies before starting Fulcrum.

PMMaaS is the culmination of years of experience and the ongoing evolution of Fulcrum’s business model. I’m thrilled at the positive response PMMaaS has received,  and I’m grateful to our early adopters for helping us improve the offering.  

Looking ahead to the next five years

While Fulcrum’s future is bright, we will inevitably face headwinds and turbulence as we climb to new heights. What gives me confidence is what has made us successful to date: our people.

There are many I’d love to call out for the roles they played over the past five years. At the risk of unintentionally missing someone, I’m choosing to thank one person: my wife. Without her support and encouragement, I wouldn’t have had the ideal circumstances to take a risk in 2019. Thank you, Maura!

Looking ahead to the next five years, I am excited to be building on our foundation. With our team, our PMMaaS offering, and our track record of past successes, I firmly believe Fulcrum will continue to grow.

I can’t wait to share what we accomplished after a decade in business in 2029. In the meantime, I invite you to follow us on LinkedIn and read the Fulcrum blog to stay updated.

And if there’s anything we can do to help you accelerate your go-to-market and turn your prospects into customers faster, just let me know. Onward and upward!